News by Year
Great Lakes Sediment Nutrient Reduction Program Releases a Request for Proposal for Great Lakes Water Quality Projects
On Feb. 28, 2025, the Great Lakes Commission (GLC) today issued a request for proposals (RFP) for projects that would help improve Great Lakes water quality by reducing nutrient loads from agricultural watersheds and eroding shorelines and streams.March 7, 2025
National Park Service assists in improving the Waabizheshikana trail in the second largest Area of Concern in the U.S.
Utilizing funding from GLRI, the National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program (RTCA) has supported the City of Duluth, Minnesota, to improve and expand park and trail spaces near historically disadvantaged neighborhoods located along the St. Louis River Estuary. The initial revitalization efforts to improve Waabizheshikana: The Marten Trail will enhance residents’ opportunities to connect back to a cultural and ecologically significant area of the waterfront. Partners are working together to preserve and enhance this trail while promoting awareness of the interconnectedness between Indigenous heritage and environmental stewardship.January 17, 2025
EPA announces Notice of Funding Opportunity to support the Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program
The EPA Great Lakes National Program Office has issued a notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) to conduct coastal wetlands sampling in support of the Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands Monitoring Program. The deadline to apply is March 14, 2025.January 14, 2025
EPA announces Notice of Funding Opportunity to support the Great Lakes Fish Monitoring and Surveillance Program
The EPA has announced a notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) to conduct fish sample analysis in support of the Great Lakes Fish Monitoring and Surveillance Program. The deadline to apply is March 14, 2025.January 13, 2025
Ashland, Green Bay, Two Harbors, and Oscoda Township selected for engineering and design support through Great Lakes coastal resilience program
Projects will use nature-based solutions to address coastal hazards and support habitat and species goals prioritized by the Great Lakes Restoration InitiativeDecember 30, 2024
Thomson Reservoir Remedial Action Project Wraps Up First Season of Construction
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) celebrates the completion of the first of two construction seasons at the Thomson Reservoir Remedial Action project in the St. Louis River Area of Concern.December 16, 2024
Final Remaining BUI, Degradation of Benthos, Removed at Muskegon Lake AOC
The last remaining BUI in the Michigan AOC, the Degradation of Benthos, was removed after federal, state, and local partners determined that measures of benthic community health met established criteria.December 12, 2024
The ultimate invader: USDA Wildlife Services works to minimize feral swine threats to the Great Lakes ecosystem
Feral swine are a highly destructive invasive species with populations that have expanded across the country, resulting in damage to a wide range of resource types. Wildlife biologists and field specialists from USDA Wildlife Services work to reduce feral swine damage by providing technical assistance and conducting targeted management activities in the field.December 3, 2024
EPA Announces New 5-Year Plan to Accelerate Restoration of the Great Lakes
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announces an updated action plan for federal agencies and their partners under the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to restore and protect the Great Lakes over the next five years
November 29, 2024
Soil Health Improvements in Western New York Farm Increase Economic Gain for Farmers
Good management of farmland leads to positive environmental outcomes for healthy soil and clean water. In Western New York, the Macauley family has found that these practices can have an added benefit – a better bottom line for their farm business!November 26, 2024