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Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat BUI removed at Rochester Embayment AOC
The Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat Beneficial Use Impairment (BUI) was removed from the Rochester Embayment Area of Concern (AOC) after state, federal, and non-profit partners implemented multiple habitat restoration projects within the AOC and in critical wetland areas adjacent to the AOC, leading to improved habitat conditions for target fish and wildlife species. This marks the final BUI to be removed from this AOC.
December 14, 2023
Fish Tumors or Other Deformities BUI removed at Black River and Cuyahoga River AOCs
Tumors and deformities were historically elevated in fish populations in the Black River and Cuyahoga River Areas of Concern (AOCs) as a result of legacy industrial pollution and poor water quality. Contaminant source control and water quality improvements in both AOCs, and remediation work in the Black River AOC, reduced rates of fish tumors and deformities to meet Ohio’s AOC restoration targets, prompting the removal of the Fish Tumors and Other Deformities Beneficial Use Impairment (BUI) from these AOCs.
December 8, 2023
NOAA Announces 2024 Great Lakes Bay Watershed Education and Training for Indigenous Communities Funding Opportunity
The NOAA Great Lakes Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) for Indigenous Communities 2024 Federal Funding Opportunity is now open. This competitive grant program supports meaningful, place-based educational experiences that incorporate Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge. The deadline for applications is March 1, 2024.
December 8, 2023
Lower Fox Demonstration Farms Network celebrates 10-year anniversary
Farmers, conservation professionals and project partners gathered to commemorate and celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the Lower Fox Demonstration Farms Network.
December 5, 2023
Phosphorus Optimal Wetland Demonstration Project opens doors to educational opportunities
On a warm and sunny day in September, 300 sixth graders from three schools near Defiance, Ohio joined a team from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, the City of Defiance, the Defiance Soil and Water Conservation District, General Motors, and the U.S. Geological Survey to experience a hands-on tour of the GLRI-funded Phosphorus Optimal Wetland Demonstration Project.
November 22, 2023
Using the Hydrolab, student scientists study their own environment
Indiana biology teacher keeps his Penn High School students actively engaged as scientists by equipping them with professional monitoring equipment to study their local water way.
November 9, 2023
NOAA Announces 2024 Great Lakes Bay Watershed Education and Training Funding Opportunity
The NOAA Great Lakes Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) 2024 Federal Funding Opportunity is now open. This competitive grant program supports environmental and place-based educational programs in the Great Lakes watershed. The deadline for applications is February 29, 2024.
November 8, 2023
NOAA Announces 2024 Great Lakes Bay Watershed Education and Training for Indigenous Communities Funding Opportunity
The NOAA Great Lakes Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) for Indigenous Communities 2024 Federal Funding Opportunity is now open. This competitive grant program supports meaningful, place-based educational experiences that incorporate Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge. The deadline for applications is March 1, 2024.
November 8, 2023
Northland College highlights restoration of Fish Creek in northwestern Wisconsin
Northland College recently highlighted this restoration work in a video on the first two phases of its Sediment Reduction Project on North Fish Creek—the largest source of sediment flowing into Lake Superior’s Chequamegon Bay.
November 7, 2023
USDA Forest Service takes a partnership-based approach to aquatic habitat restoration
One stream at a time, Forest Service and partners are restoring aquatic habitat in Cadillac, Michigan through replacing undersized and poorly aligned culverts that block fish passage and contribute harmful sediment into streams and rivers.
November 3, 2023