News by Year
Outagamie County Success from the Field: A Strong Partnership Demonstrates Good Conservation
Brothers Mark and Joe Van Asten pay it forward with the knowledge and conservation practices gathered from a long-time partnership with the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
December 29, 2022
Proving Green Infrastructure Performance at Gary City Hall, Indiana
A Gary, Indiana green infrastructure project reduces city hall parking lot stormwater runoff to Lake Michigan by over 80 percent.
December 29, 2022
Restrictions on Dredging Activities BUI Removed at Buffalo River AOC
After extensive remediation work and monitoring led by the Buffalo River Restoration Partnership, levels of harmful industrial contaminants historically present in sediments within the Buffalo River AOC have been sufficiently reduced to remove the Restrictions on Dredging Activities BUI. This is the third BUI to be removed from the Buffalo River AOC.
October 26, 2022
GLAB Final Report Announced
U.S. EPA has announced the public release of the Great Lakes Advisory Board’s Final Report. The Report addresses six important Great Lakes issues: (1) innovative strategies to address legacy phosphorus; (2) managing excess nutrients; (3) GLRI outreach; (4) invasive species; (5) outcome-based investments in the Great Lakes; and (6) GLRI’s role in the vitality and reinvestment of Great Lakes communities.
August 10, 2022