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The Great Lakes Advisory Board (GLAB) is one of EPA's Federal Advisory Committees. It operates in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA).
The GLAB is chartered to provide advice and recommendations to the EPA Administrator, through the Great Lakes National Program Manager, on matters related to implementation of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. It will also advise on domestic matters related to implementation of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between the U.S. and Canada.
For any questions regarding the GLAB, please contact the GLAB Designated Federal Officer, Alana Davicino (Davicino.alana@epa.gov); 312-886-2307.
Request for Nominations to the GLAB
In June 2024, the EPA solicited nominations from a diverse range of qualified candidates who desire to serve as members of the EPA’s Great Lakes Advisory Board. We hope to announce new members soon. For additional details, please read the Federal Register Notice requesting nominations or contact Alana Davicino, Designated Federal Officer at Davicino.alana@epa.gov or (312) 886-2307.