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EPA Seeks Applications for the Great Lakes Biology Monitoring Program: Zooplankton, Mysis, and Benthic Components

a person on board a ship pulls a conical sampling net suspended by a crane toward the ship
EPA Great Lakes National Program Office scientist collects a GLBMP zooplankton sample aboard the EPA R/V Lake Guardian.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Great Lakes National Program Office is seeking applications for a project to conduct sample collection and analyses in support of the zooplankton, Mysis and benthic components of the Great Lakes Biology Monitoring Program. EPA expects to provide funding for one cooperative agreement of up to $6,750,000 over approximately five years. 

Request for Applications for the GLBMP: Zooplankton, Mysis and Benthic Components 
Funding Opportunity Number: EPA-R5-GL2021-ZMB
The deadline to apply is October 29, 2021.

The GLBMP is funded by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.