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Brandenburg Park Shoreline Restoration in Michigan is Complete

aerial view of Brandenburg Park

On Sept. 15, 2021, Macomb County and Chesterfield Township officials held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the completion of Chesterfield Township shoreline restoration project.

The $1.3 million shoreline restoration project funded by the GLRI and the township replaced a failing seawall with 740 linear feet of softened shoreline and restored 1.5 acres of habitat for fish and waterfowl. The goal of the restoration project was to improve wildlife habitat and public access to the park.

The project included the addition of sections of rocky breakwater designed to mimic a natural rocky shoreline which will promote improved habitat for juvenile and game fish and provide forage for waterfowl. Additionally, the new shoreline provides improved habitat for a variety of other organisms such as reptiles, amphibians, and macroinvertebrates (small aquatic animals). Officials will monitor the response of native fish, plants, and wildlife to the restoration.

See Brandenburg Park webpage on the Chesterfield Township website

Before and after shoreline restoration (Photo credit: NOAA)