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GLRI Funding by Agency

Congress appropriates the full amount of the GLRI funding to EPA. EPA transfers over half of the funding it receives to be used by other Federal agencies for activities that will best accelerate Great Lakes protection and restoration under the GLRI Action Plan. The table below depicts:

  • amounts that have been “obligated” in EPA’s financial system for the use of the other Federal agency by means of interagency agreements;
  • amounts that have been “obligated” in EPA’s financial system for the use of EPA, such as for grants, contracts, and personnel; and
  • amounts that have been returned. (Returned funds generally result from de-obligating funds as a result of completing a project under budget, contract termination, changes in project scope or focus, or other unforeseeable circumstances.)

FY 2010 – FY 2017 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Funding by Agency
Obligations (as of October 4, 2017)

  FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Total
DHS-USCG $6.1M $1.6M $2.5M $2.5M $1.3M $2.0M $1.3M $1.1M $18.4M
DOC-NOAA $30.5M $17.6M $16.2M $25.5M $35.2M $24.8M $30.7M $12.0M $192.6M
DOD-USACE $49.3M $30.7M $35.4M $31.6M $28.5M $48.2M $33.4M $60.1M $317.0M
DOI-BIA $3.4M $6.3M $4.7M $4.0M $4.0M $4.7M $6.2M $10.1M $43.4M
DOI-NPS $10.5M $4.9M $3.5M $3.0M $3.2M $3.1M $3.8M $4.4M $36.4M
DOI-USFWS $69.3M $48.7M $45.7M $40.0M $49.0M $41.4M $48.1M $41.8M $384.1M
DOI-USGS $23.7M $14.5M $13.1M $12.7M $19.8M $23.4M $23.0M $26.8M $157.0M
DOT-FHWA $2.5M $1.2M $1.2M $1.0M $1.0M $0 $0 $0 $6.9M
DOT-MARAD $4.0M $2.7M $2.4M $2.3M $1.8M $1.3M $2.1M $0.8M $17.4M
HHS-ATSDR $5.5M $2.2M $2.2M $1.4M $1.7M $1.7M $1.7M $0.6M $17.1M
USDA-APHIS $1.9M $0.6M $1.1M $0.9M $1.2M $1.2M $1.1M $1.3M $9.3M
USDA-NRCS $34.1M $16.8M $25.6M $19.3M $24.3M $23.3M $19.1M $19.1M $181.4M
USDA-USFS $15.5M $8.5M $6.7M $5.9M $6.4M $6.3M $10.8M $11.4M $71.5M
Inter-Agency Agreement (IA) Totals $256.3M $156.3M $160.4M $150.0M $177.4M $181.5M $181.2M $189.4M $1,452.5M
EPA and Misc. IAs $212.7M $135.0M $135.2M $130.6M $121.2M $117.5M $116.4M $93.3M $1,062.0M
Total Obligated $469.1M $291.3M $295.6M $281.0M $298.5M $299.0M $297.6M $282.7M $2,515.0M
Returned $5.9M $8.1M $3.9M $2.7M $1.5M $1.0M $2.4M $0 $25.3M
GLRI Grand Totals $475.0M $299.4M $299.5M $283.7M $300.0M $300.0M $300.0M $282.7M


For further detail see the applicable Reports to Congress.